Sunday, July 14, 2019


Book: Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller
Genre: Fantasy
Series: N/A
Publisher: Feiwell & Friends / Macmillan
Source: ARC via NetGalley!

Where to Buy: Shop local! Find your local independent bookstore at IndieBound!


"Levenseller presents a fully rounded portrait of a girl whose strength in battle is tempered by her very human anxieties. Rasmira's quest is thrilling, her emotional journey compelling; this adventure sings." --Booklist

"Levenseller... presents a female warrior who refuses to believe that crying makes one weak and that strength is not feminine. Through Rasmira’s inner monologue, teens will learn that teamwork and friendship are important and that failure makes one strong. This high-octane novel is filled with mythical creatures and showcases a heroine who wants to be a warrior, a woman, and a leader." --School Library Journal
Goodreads Summary:

An eighteen-year-old chieftain's daughter must find a way to kill her village’s oppressive deity if she ever wants to return home in Warrior of the Wild, the Viking-inspired YA standalone fantasy from Tricia Levenseller, author of Daughter of the Pirate King.

How do you kill a god?

As her father's chosen heir, eighteen-year-old Rasmira has trained her whole life to become a warrior and lead her village. But when her coming-of-age trial is sabotaged and she fails the test, her father banishes her to the monster-filled wilderness with an impossible quest: To win back her honor, she must kill the oppressive god who claims tribute from the villages each year or die trying.

My Review: ⭐
Check out my full review after the jump! Click "Read More" below to continue!

I received a copy of Warrior of the Wild from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

Okay so, Tricia Levenseller is one of my autobuy authors, I've read all of her books out so far and I've already pre-ordered her next book, THE SHADOWS BETWEEN US out in February of 2020! She's just the most down to earth and humble author I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and her books are always so fun and full of just all around female bad-assery. Plus. I've met her twice, and tweet at her often and she always remembers who I am. Literally when I become a famous author we're gonna be best friends. Haha!

Warrior of the Wild is no exception to that, and I absolutely loved the concept for this Viking-inspired YA stand alone. I was slightly nervous how reading this would go since before picking this up I had just finished reading another Viking YA (Sky in the Deep) and was afraid I was going to be Viking-ed out.

Luckily, I ended up loving this novel more than anticipated and for all the best reasons! Not only was Rasmira a total bad ass, but there was also some LGBT representation which was done so well and IT WASN'T A BIG DEAL TO THE CHARACTERS. The books that often most impress me with LGBT rep are the ones where it's totally normal and not a big deal to have gay, lesbian, trans, characters etc. I just loved how tastefully it was done in this book.

The story was interesting from beginning to end and I loved how each of the characters developed and showed their own vulnerability. The concept that people could be outcast from their villages and have to complete these crazy tasks that are near impossible in order to come back is so interesting to me and had Tricia not been on my autobuy list, would have enticed me to pick up this book anyway.

I would definitely recommend anyone who loves bad-ass women, enthralling plot, and a viking-esque setting, this book is definitely for you. An easy, fun read from beginning to end. Happy reading!

Thanks again to Macmillan & Netgalley for the review copy in exchange for my honesty!

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