Thursday, October 1, 2020

Book Review :: FABLE


Book: FABLE by Adrienne Young
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Wednesday Books / Macmillan
Source: ARC via NetGalley! / Audiobook via Libby

Where to Buy: Shop local! Find your local independent bookstore at IndieBound!


Filled with all of the action, emotion, and lyrical writing that brought readers to Sky in the Deep, New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with Fable, the first book in this new captivating duology.
Goodreads Summary:

Welcome to a world made dangerous by the sea and by those who wish to profit from it. Where a young girl must find her place and her family while trying to survive in a world built for men.

For seventeen-year-old Fable, the daughter of the most powerful trader in the Narrows, the sea is the only home she has ever known. It’s been four years since the night she watched her mother drown during an unforgiving storm. The next day her father abandoned her on a legendary island filled with thieves and little food. To survive she must keep to herself, learn to trust no one, and rely on the unique skills her mother taught her. The only thing that keeps her going is the goal of getting off the island, finding her father, and demanding her rightful place beside him and his crew. To do so Fable enlists the help of a young trader named West to get her off the island and across the Narrows to her father.

But her father’s rivalries and the dangers of his trading enterprise have only multiplied since she last saw him, and Fable soon finds that West isn't who he seems. Together, they will have to survive more than the treacherous storms that haunt the Narrows if they're going to stay alive.

Fable takes you on a spectacular journey filled with romance, intrigue, and adventure.

My Review: ⭐⭐.5
Check out my full review after the jump! Click "Read More" below to continue!

I received a copy of FABLE from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

Okay so this was a pleasant surprise. I picked it up (much like my mom did!) because of the cover and I didn't actually read what it was about. I just know that I absolutely LOVED Sky in the Deep so I was somewhat familiar with Young's writing and I was fascinated by the cover. 

I DID NOT KNOW IT WAS ABOUT PIRATES and that made this book that much more enjoyable for me! I also loved the name "Fable" or "Fay", talk about whimsical! Anyway, Fable is the daughter of one of the most infamous traders in the Narrows- the same father who had abandoned her a few years back after a devastating storm sank their ship and killed her mother. She spends the novel attempting to escape the island she was trapped on so she can find her father. 

I absolutely engulfed this story and read it in just a few days. Young always seems to entrance you with her writing and keeps you interested from the first to the last page. I for some reason have a weird fascination with books about Pirates. The Daughter of the Pirate King was one of my favorites from the last few years, and it's been hard to find a pirate book to grab and keep my attention. This one did just the trick! The world building in this was really great, I could definitely imagine the Narrows as well as the sea, which is obviously important for a pirate novel! And also- the romance was absolutely swoon-worthy. While it wasn't a major part of the overall plot of the novel, the words used in one particular scene was so sweet and adorable that I actually read it a few times. 

Overall, I would definitely recommend this one! Even if you don't love Pirates, Fable's adventures in the Narrows will definitely entertain you and whisk you away to a world only seen in movies! I am so SO excited to pick up Namesake when it's released next year! 

Thanks again to Wednesday Books, Macmillan, and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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